Opportunity Gaps

The Practice Management Index
The Practice Management Index, or the PMI for short, is a multiple choice assessment that explores 18 Focus Areas of your business that are all centered on Practice Management, Relationship Management and Business Planning. Your PMI Score and Report will help you better understand your Opportunity Gaps, and what action steps you can take now to address them.
It was developed by a team with extensive experience in the Financial Services Industry, and who have worked with 1000's of advisors over the last 25 plus years. Our team is dedicated to giving you the most accurate assessment of your business so that you can thrive in this competitive landscape.

Get Started

Complete the PMI

Receive PMI Score and Report

The PMI Assessment includes 18 Focus Areas covering varying aspects of your business. Each of these Focus Areas fall under one of six categories: Productivity & Efficiency, Client Experience, Branding & Marketing, Client Success, Team Dynamics, and Strategy & Planning. The PMI will help identify where in your business you might have untapped opportunities or overlooked vulnerabilities in each of these areas. The Categories and Focus Areas are listed below in more detail: